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Jonathan Ramos Robles- Modern Artist 

Artist Statement

     As an artist, I intend to reach a vast majority of people with the many different creative skills that I have learned. I am a painter, illustrator, sculpturer, and a writer. With my work I capture the contemporary life of the working class. My paintings focus directly on the person, as their face tells the story of a hard day’s work. My drawings represent the fast pacing of life and the disconnect from the environment around us. My sculptures play on the simplicity of the urban landscape we rush pass. My writing tells of the inner battles we struggle to fight as we stay up float from poverty. 

     As I grew, I watched as my family immigrate to this country and rise from poverty. I witness the struggles and the sacrifices that come with this battle. I was captivated by realist artist who depicted the reality and accuracy of contemporary life. I saw myself in their work and knew others did too. In my art I want to the same, I want to bring into focus the contemporary life if people in the 21st century. In a time when the gap between the rich and the poor is significant big. I want to show my audience that they are also as important to the advancement of the world as their boss is. 


     Born in Mexico and migrated to the US at a young age, Jonathan Ramos Robles is a Mexican American emerging artist residing in Omaha, Nebraska. He is a painter, Illustrator, sculpturer, and writer. Currently working from his home studio, Jonathan studies at the university of Nebraska at Omaha, working on receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art (BASA). Jonathan was a member of the school art club participating in many school exhibitions, Salon d’ Hexagon (2018), Ephemeral Unity (2019), book Store Art show (2019), Merging (2020), and The Hexagon show (2020). He has also published his writings in the school magazine, 13th Floor           Magazine Spring 2020 edition, with plans to continue publishing. 

     Planning to extend his art outside of school, Jonathan is continuing to refine his skills and focus on his art career in 2022. Applying to art galleries and shows in his local area with new projects and themes. He is currently working on projects representing the contemporary life of the working class through various mediums like oil paint, ink pen, graphite, wood works, and in his short stories. In his work, Jonathan is focusing on the dissociation between the world and the individual in an urban and industrialized setting. 



University of Nebraska at Oma







The Hexagon Show


Book Store 

Ephemeral Unity

Salon d’ Hexagon 



13th Floor Magazine, Spring 2020 Edition



UNO Art Club

Contact Me


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